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WebDB - The Instant Online Database

Free Trial of WebDB

Sign Up for a Free Trial Now!

This site could contain thousands of words and pictures telling you how easy the software is to use but the only way to really find out all about it is to try it out for yourself.

Therefore, we are giving you a chance to try out the program for 7 days and test it to see whether it will work for your web site.

Just Click Here to fill in a form with your details. We will then set up all the files and send you an email which will contain the URL of your trial system, your log in name and a password. The email will also contain some simple instructions to get you started.

At the end of the free trial, you can either sign up and we can make your site live permanently, sign up and we will empty out the database so that you can start again or if you do not wish to carry on, we will simply delete your trial system.

You can either choose between trying the system with a completely empty database or you can start off with our Demonstration Database.



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Code Revision Version 4.21 Lois Software Internet Solutions